Total Medals Earned: 1,493 (From 248 different games.) Total Medal Score: 27,515 Points
Medals Earned: 6/17 (105/480 points)
Get killed by an alien.
Get killed by a robot.
Get killed by a zombie.
Kill Zomboss.
Get the skull all the way to Zomboss.
Play through a stage consuming nothing but beer.
Play through a stage without eating or drinking.
Unlock all weapons.
Get the chair all the way to ZOMG.
Play through every stage.
Kill Smileborg
Play through every stage in one go using the crowbar.
Kill Zomboss with his own arm.
Kill ZOMG with the Alienator.
Kill Smileborg with the Cyber Blade T47.
Play through a stage on real man difficulty.
Medals Earned: 2/5 (15/190 points)
Transform to Ashura mode!
Perform a 45 combo.
End the game.
Score more than 200K
End the game without dying in expert difficulty.
Medals Earned: 2/23 (15/500 points)
Reach difficulty level 5!
Reach difficulty level 10!
Score 1 million points!
Destroy 10 Blue Stars in a row without taking any damage!
Destroy 25 Blue Stars in a row without taking any damage!
Score 5 million points!
Destroy 50 Blue Stars in a row without taking any damage!
Reach difficulty level 15!
Score 10 million points!
Destroy 100 Blue Stars in a row without taking any damage!
Score 20 million points!
Destroy 75 Blue Stars in a row without taking any damage!
Have 6 Yellow Spikes active at the same time!
Have 6 Red Seekers following you at one time!
Reach difficulty level 20!
Use only Red Seekers to destroy 15 Blue Stars in a row!
Use only Yellow Spikes to destroy 5 Blue Stars in a row!
Score over 50k points using a Red Seeker on a Blue Star!
Score over 250k points using a Yellow Spike on a Blue Star!
Destroy 150 Blue Stars in a row without taking any damage!
Destroy 200 Blue Stars in a row without taking any damage!
Reach difficulty level 30!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 8/13 (170/450 points)
Finish the tutorial.
Enter a rift.
Finish the first level for each character.
Get at least a bronze in all Naaij levels.
Finish Mell's story.
Finish Fuzor's story.
Finish Naaij's story.
Get at least a silver in all Naaij levels.
Find the incomplete area.
Get at least a bronze in all Fuzor levels.
Get at least a silver in all Fuzor levels.
Get a gold in all Fuzor levels.
Get a gold in all Naaij levels.
Medals Earned: 1/20 (5/100 points)
ButterFly Farm Mural Contest, Guacima, Alajuela
Cellular Base Station, Sagrada Familia, San José
Linda Vista de Patarrá, Desamparados, San José
Tamarindo Beach, Guanacaste
Carmen Lyra School, Concepción de Alajuelita, San José
Barrio Carit, San José
Centro Cultural Español, San José
Curridabat Municipality, SanJosé
SOS Children´s Villages, Tres Rios, Cartago
Sport place, Aguantafilo, San José
House of health, Los Cuadros, Desamparados, San José
A house in Carpio, San José
Escuela de los Guido, Desamparados, San José
Pedestrian bridge, Colonia 15 de Setiembre, Hatillo, San José
Tejarcillos School, Alajuelita, San José
Cristo Rey, Barrio Cuba, San José
Borbon, San José
National Children Patronage (PANI), San José
Medals Earned: 3/3 (70/70 points)
Activate both cores of Planet I.
Activate both cores of Planet II.
Activate all four cores and reconnect the data beam.
Medals Earned: 5/5 (160/160 points)
kill the first boss
find and kill a miniboss
buy somethign in the shop
Kill the second boss
find it
Medals Earned: 2/6 (75/375 points)
Create a stack of 10 birds
Unlock 1 Feather Door
Check out the Credits
Unlock 2 Feather Doors
Unlock 3 Feather Doors
Beat the game!
Medals Earned: 1/8 (5/405 points)
Start playing
Defeat Fruitcake
Defeat Eggnog
Defeat Gingerbread
Save all the Pups
Beat the game without dying
Beat the game in under 6 minutes
Beat the game without healing
Medals Earned: 1/16 (5/500 points)
Collect an egg
Collect 17 eggs
Collect every egg
Collect a key
Clear every cave level
Clear every ice level
Clear every fire level
Clear every temple level
Finish the game with 13 deaths or less
Beat the curse in every cave level
Beat the curse in every ice level
Beat the curse in every fire level
Beat the curse in every temple level
Beat the curse in every level